Reign Supreme

Reign Supreme

In the 80s, the beginnings of french hip hop told through the birth of the french rap band NTM and the ascension of dancer and graffiti artist Lady V and DJ Dee Nasty.

Cast for Reign Supreme...

Melvin Promeneur
Didier Morville - Joey starr
Laïka Blanc-Francard
Vivi – Lady V
Anthony Bajon
Bruno Lopes - Kool Shen
Andranic Manet
Dj Dee Nasty
Victor Bonnel
Franck Loyer – DJ S
Léo Chalié
Yannick Choirat
Joseph Lopes- Père de Kool Shen
Ismaël Sy Savané
Jean Morville
Elga Gnaly
Patou-Mère de lady V
Jonas Bachan
Franck Chevalier
Emmanuelle Hiron
Christiane-mère de Kool Shen
Paul Beaurepaire
Sébastien Farran- Manager