Who Will Love My Children?

Who Will Love My Children?

Lucile Fray has 10 children and terminal cancer. As her ne'er-do-well alcoholic husband, isn't capable enough to handle raising them, there's only one option left. As her last act on earth, Fray is determined to make sure her children have a secure future.

Cast for Who Will Love My Children?...

Lucile Fray
Cathryn Damon
Hazel Anderson
Donald Moffat
Dick Thomas
Lonny Chapman
Milton Hammond
Patricia Smith
Cleta Thomas
Jess Osuna
Dr. Willis
Christopher Allport
Kenneth Handy
Tracey Gold
Pauline Fray
Joel Graves
Warren Fray
Rachel Jacobs
Joyce Fray
Robby Kiger
Frank Fray
Cady McClain
Virginia Fray
Hallie Todd
Joann Fray
Cheryl Anderson
Joyce Wehmeyer
Jack Rader
Alfred Johnson
William Sanderson
Cleve Shelby
Claudia Bryar
Director of Home
Don Keefer
Mr. Henry
Stephen Keep Mills
Larry Wehmeyer