Huckleberry Finn

Huckleberry Finn

Huckleberry Finn, a rambuctious boy adventurer chafing under the bonds of civilization, escapes his humdrum world and his selfish, plotting father by sailing a raft down the Mississippi River. Accompanying him is Jim, a slave running away from being sold. Together the two strike a bond of friendship that takes them through harrowing events and thrilling adventures.

Cast for Huckleberry Finn...

Ron Howard
Huckleberry Finn
Don Most
Tom Sawyer
Royal Dano
Mark Twain
Dee Carroll
Aunt Sally
James Almanzar
Silas Phelps
Rance Howard
Pap Finn
Jean Speegle Howard
Widow Douglas
Sarah Selby
Aunt Polly
Alex Nicol
Dr. Robinson
Bill Erwin
Harvey Wilkes
Woody Chambliss
Frederic Downs
Ben Rucker
Tom Waters
Sheriff Barnes
Patty Weaver
Mary Jane
Link Wyler