The 82 Tenants

The 82 Tenants

In “82 Tenants” the widow Zhang and Bing, her new young consort, want to sell an apartment house to a property developer but old man Zhang's will provided that the current tenants can stay there as long as they want or the building survives. So it is clear who the villains are—joining the greedy couple is Chao who has purchased all the land around the building but needs this final piece so he can know everything down and build a money spinning edifice. One the other side are the tenants, a disparate group whose grudgingly and occasionally antagonistically shared communal life, while not ideal, is certainly better than not having a place to live.

Cast for The 82 Tenants...

Charlie Cho
Zhen Da Chao
Betty Ting Pei
Mrs. Chang
Lo Meng
Liu Lai-Ling
Xiao Lian
Ku Feng
Dr. Long
Wang Yong
Master Luo Shi Hai
Yau Chui-Ling
Xiao Hong
Lau Hak-Suen
Uncle Po
Chun Wong
Fish Ball Shen
Anna Ng Yuen-Yee
Shen's Wife
Chan Shen
Sgt. Chiang
Jenny Liang
Fish Ball Zhen
Tsui Oi-Sam
Jia Mei Li
Yue Tau-Wan
Mr. Zha's Thug
Aai Dung-Gwa
Johnny's Boss
Kobe Wong Kam-Bo
Mr. Zha's Bald Thug