A Tango for You

A Tango for You

Jimmy Bolt, a singer and dancer (and occasionally as a waiter) works at a varieté. The man may be talented, but he’s not exactly a big success, and things get complicated when a young orphan girl falls in love with the voice of another singer but then mistakes Bolt for him…

Cast for A Tango for You...

Willi Forst
Jimmy Bolt, ein unberühmter Jazzsänger
Fee Malten
Mady Smith
Oskar Karlweis
Flooch - Impressario
Paul Otto
Maxim Merblanc, ein berühmter Jazzsänger
Aenne Goerling
Varieté-Direktorin, genannt 'der Lindwurm'
Ernö Verebes
Alfonso di Bei Juanos, Tangokapellmeister
Paul Vincenti
Mac Lioth, Jazzkapellmeister
Mathilde Sussin
Lewis Ruth