Ein Reihenhaus steht selten allein

Ein Reihenhaus steht selten allein

After some back and forth are graphic designers Jan Börner can finally bring himself and his wife Anne and their children Lisa and Luke a terraced house in a modern housing estate to relate. But a short time later reveal the dark side of this decision. In the midst of gossiping settlement residents privacy is nil. To make matters worse, the busy neighbors feel even called to overwhelm Jan and Anne with supposedly helpful advice for running the household and raising children. The tense atmosphere in the family finally reached a new climax when one day Jan's ex-girlfriend Maren moves into the house next door ...

Cast for Ein Reihenhaus steht selten allein...

Stephan Luca
Jan Börner
Felicitas Woll
Maren Köhler
Michelle Barthel
Lisa Börner
Ulrike C. Tscharre
Anne Börner
Winnie Böwe
Simone Ernst
Floriane Daniel
Heike Ludwig
Adnan Maral
Herr Basad
Sascha Nathan
Karsten Ludwig