Package Deal

Package Deal

A three-part omnibus. First story: A young couple agrees to pretend to be in love with each other. Second story: After deciding to leave his band, a young bassist shows up for an audition for a drummer. There he meets a man who offers him money to kill his wife. Third story: Two successful robbers go through a hard time when one of them starts to pay to much more attention to his guitar playing skills than the job.

Cast for Package Deal...

Rastko Lupulović
Darko Popović
Nenad Jezdić
Nemanja Saletović
Bojan Žirović
Luka Nestorović
Branislav Zeremski
Bogdan iz Zemuna
Bogdan Diklić
Dušan Marković
Josif Tatić
Darkov otac
Jelena Žigon
Darkova majka
Nađa Sekulić
Sestra Mojsilović