She's in the Army

She's in the Army

A socialite joins the Womens Ambulance Corps as both a publicity stunt and to win a bet with a newspaper columnist, who wagered $5000 that she couldn't last six weeks.

Cast for She's in the Army...

Lucile Gleason
Sgt. Hannah Walters
Marie Wilson
Susan Slatterty
Veda Ann Borg
Diane Jordan
Robert Lowery
Navy Lt. Jim Russell
Lyle Talbot
Army Capt. Steve Russell
Charlotte Henry
Helen Burke - WAC Enlistee
Warren Hymer
Cpl. Buck Shane
John Holland
Wally Lundigan - Columnist
Gene O'Donnell
Speed - Flamingo Club Press Agent
Marvelle Andre
Lorraine Miller
Nightclub Singer
Pat Moran
Martha Warner
WAC Commander Davis