

In a small provincial town on the Spanish coast, a conflict arises between prostitutes and a group of devout women, annoyed by the presence of prostitutes in their locality. The tension is increasing and the prostitutes are asking Carmelo, the local pharmacist, to intercede for them. He, who goes out with Asunción, one of the women facing the heteros, refuses. To convince Carmelo, prostitutes force him to have sex with them. Due to the pleasure of this experience he changes his mind.

Cast for Consensus...

Helga Liné
Carmen Platero
La Catedrático
Manuel Gil
Trini Alonso
Virtuosa 1ª
Rosa de Alba
Virtuosa 2ª
Ana Mónica
Prostituta 1ª
María Olga
Prostituta 2ª
Silvia Miró
Eloy Arenas
Barrendero 1º
José Sacristán
El Carabanchel