One Nation Under God

One Nation Under God

A student boldly stands up for God when a Presidential candidate visits his school. The exchange goes viral challenging both to step out in faith and be the men that God has called them to be.

Cast for One Nation Under God...

Kevin Sorbo
Mr. Truman
Casper Van Dien
Headmaster Kingsley
Emily Hahn
Madi Stein
Tyree Brown
Isaak Presley
David Guiterrez
Briana Lane
Emma Sackson
Patricia De Leon
Rosa Gutierrez
Billy Slaughter
Reporter #2
Herschel Walker
Herschel Walker
Tammi Arender
Reporter #4
Victoria Hardway
Presidential Debate Guests
Christopher Nicolay
Mr. Truman Debate Team Member
Summer Selby
Governor Maureen Palabra
Olivia Jensen
Stage Manager