Dicey Business

Dicey Business

Chai Foon-Cheung has not won a single game since his defeat in the World Poker Championship twenty years ago. It is the bad luck he has had all these years that has earned him a job in the casino. Ironically, the man who hires him is one of his then competitors Kiu Ching-Cho.

Cast for Dicey Business...

Bobby Au-Yeung
Chai Foon-Cheung
Michael Miu
Kiu Ching-Cho
Bosco Wong
Chai Foon-Lok
Tavia Yeung
Tam Chu-Mei
Hui Shiu-Hung
Chau Fuk-Wing
Florence Kwok
Lam Siu-Yan
Law Lok-Lam
Yung Hon-Cheung