The Curse of Turandot

The Curse of Turandot

The plot follows Princess Turandot who is cursed by a mysterious power emanating from three Mazovian bracelets that were given to her as birthday gifts. These bracelets’ life-draining effects cause the princess to becomes cruel, and gradually she loses her humanity.

Cast for The Curse of Turandot...

Guan Xiaotong
Princess Turandot
Hu Jun
General Boyan
Jiang Wen
The Great Khan
Collin Chou
Master Zhouda
Sophie Marceau
The Queen of Malvia
Vincent Perez
King Michel
Lin Siyi
Zhang Chunzhong
High Priest
Sun Zhengyu
Left Lieutenant
Dong Wenjun
Right Lieutenant
Sun Mingming
Mute Arsom
Lam Wai
Fireworks Master
Audrey Duo
Princess Turandot (child)
Thomas Frank
Young Calaf
Geng Yizheng
Chief Executioner
Guo Zhen
Сourt Physician