The Magic Fan

The Magic Fan

This was an adaptation of a ghost story, “A Xiu”. Liu Zigu is on his way to visit his uncle and is attracted by a beautiful girl, A Xiu. Liu meets A Xiu again in a paper fan shop owned by A Xiu's father. Liu goes to the shop every day to buy a fan and see A Xiu. One day, Liu follows his uncle to a matchmaker, who arranges for A Xiu to become his bride. The following day, Liu and A Xiu visit a temple where they meet a ghost who looks very similar to A Xiu. On the wedding day, the ghost disguises itself as A Xiu to spoil her marriage with Liu. Finally, the ghost is in the custody of a magic fan, and Liu and Xiu complete their wedding.

Cast for The Magic Fan...

Betty Loh Ti
Hsiu, patron saint
Zhao Lei
Liu Zigu
Wang Lai
Zigu's aunt
Tin Ching
Suitor Lu
Leung Yui
Ma Chien-Tang
Zigu's servant
Wong Sam
Zigu's uncle
Hao Li-Jen