All Against All

All Against All

A political drama with elements of a thriller discusses politics, electoral fraud, and the decay of moral values, taking place in the fictional town of Rovte under the idyllic Alps. Franta, a corrupt mayor, is about to lose the election. After a TV debate, where he fails utterly, Franta calls his mistress Jozica in desperation. She advises him to seek the aid of Fleischmann, a criminal who is the only one capable of solving the problem on such short notice. After all, there are only four days left until the elections.

Cast for All Against All...

Valter Dragan
Peter Musevski
Inšpektor Berginc
Rok Vihar
Lana Vatsel
Leo Kadrija
Mladoletnik 1
Julij Kump
Mladoletnik 2
Judita Zidar
Miro Miklič
Upravnik v zavetišču
Neva Coki
Starejša gospa