Don Juan

Don Juan

Jilted on his wedding day, Laurent, a stage actor playing the role of the famous seducer Don Juan, cannot help but see his ex-fiancée in every women he meets. In an attempt to mend his broken heart and ego, he tries to seduce them all but none are receptive to his elaborate (and musical) advances. Meanwhile, at the theater, the leading lady quits and the production brings in Laurent’s ex-fiancée as the replacement.

Cast for Don Juan...

Alain Chamfort
L'homme tranquille
Jehnny Beth
La metteuse en scène
Colline Libon
Elsa Esnoult
La passante qui chante
Jean Didion
Le pianiste du mariage
Alain Raymond
Le patron du café
Liviu Bora
Une congressiste
Christian Rizzo
Un congressiste
Syrus Shahidi
Premier barman
Guillaume Verdier
Deuxième barman
Maxence Tasserit
Troisième barman
Jean-Marie Deleau
Monsieur Dimanche
Stümke Jan
Le pianiste du bar
Stella Marie Laurent
La fille du pianiste
Marion Saussol
La cliente maladroite
Jean-Charles Lenoel
Le mari de la maladroite
Michel Fontaine
Un spectateur
Bernard Eisenschitz
Un spectateur
Didier Marty
Un spectateur