Sex, Lies and Death

Sex, Lies and Death

Viviana and Alicia have never met, but they're about to get intimately acquainted. One day, while tipping drinks back in a bar, the two women strike up a conversation that quickly turns personal, Viviana is locked in an abusive marriage, and Alicia's female lover, Lorena, has recently fallen for another woman. As the two women strangers find common ground in their lives, they enter into a secret pact to kill the people who have made their lives a living hell. Seductive, bloody and shocking events send them both plummeting down a destructive path from which there is no escape.

Cast for Sex, Lies and Death...

Andrea López
Viviana / Gerardo's wife
Carolina Sepulveda
Lorena / Alicia's lover
Juan Pablo Shuk
Gerardo / Viviana's husband
María Alejandra Pinzón
Mariangela / Lorena's new lover