The Autumn Girl

The Autumn Girl

Set against the backdrop of sandlot baseball in the 1960s, a boy faces a group of neighborhood bullies and wins the heart of the girl of his dreams.

Cast for The Autumn Girl...

George Ellison
Mature Jimmy
Tyler Bedell
Nixon Snow
Henry Lombardo
First Baseman (1960s)
Charlie Avink
Second Baseman (1960s)
Brody Tyner
Shortstop (1960s)
Jack Moltane
Third Baseman (1960s)
Rex Condon
Right Fielder (1960s)
Bradlee Curtis-Chase
Center Fielder (1960s)
Shane Alden Edwards
Left Fielder (1960s)
Grayson Bedell
7 Ice Creams Boy
Ron Jaracz
Little League Coach
Glenn Boychuk
Game Announcer (voice)