Crashing Into the Future

Crashing Into the Future

The Sabino Machado family, their slaves and entourage spend years frozen in the ocean after a shipwreck in 1886. They wake up gradually, one by one, and must learn to deal with the technology and the human idiosyncrasies of the present times. Among cultural and temporal shocks, "the frozen ones" encounter improbable friendships, romances and greedy people, while fighting prejudices that not even time was able to eradicate.

Cast for Crashing Into the Future...

Juliana Paiva
Maria Marcolina Sabino Machado (Marocas)
Edson Celulari
Dom Sabino Machado
Christiane Torloni
Carmem Tercena
Rosi Campos
Agustina Sabino Machado
Nicolas Prattes
Samuel Tercena (Samuca)
Carol Castro
Comandante Waleska Tibério Souto
Regiane Alves
Maria Carla Borelli
Eva Wilma
Drª. Petra Vaisánen
João Baldasserini
Emílio Inglês de Souza / Lúcio Inglês de Souza
Aline Dias
Adriane Galisteu
Zelda Larocque
Solange Couto
Mirtes Clara Tibério Souto (Coronela)
Raphael Viana
Capitão Mateus Gonzaga
Rafaela Mandelli
Drª. Helen Azeredo
Bruno Montaleone
Francisco Bento de Castro Domingues (Bento)
Wagner Santisteban
Pedro Parede
Talita Younan
Vera Lúcia
Raphaela Alvitos
Maria Nicolina Sabino Machado (Nico)
Micael Borges
Laércio (Lalá)
Lucy Ramos
Vanda Larone
Ricardo Duque
Cláudio Mendes
Herberto Douglas
Nathália Rodrigues
Maria Quitéria Sabino Machado (Kiki)