The Exam

The Exam

Budapest, Hungary, Christmas 1957. The state, insecure after the defeated revolution of 1956 and increasingly put under the influence of a renewed Stalinist atmosphere, has decreed that all security officials must pass an exam to verify their loyalty. But to be actually effective in a shadowy world where suspicion and secrets reign, the subjects must be unaware that they are being tested.

Cast for The Exam...

János Kulka
Pál Markó
Zsolt Nagy
András Jung
Péter Scherer
Emil Kulcsár
Péter Haumann
Colonel Rozgonyi
Ferenc Elek
Imre Csapó
András Balogh
Ferenc Dohány
Gábor Hellebrandt
Filmmaker Radnai
Mihály Szabados
Literary Informer Bolha
János Papp
Pap Vera
Anita Tóth