Rendezvous Hotel

Rendezvous Hotel

A madcap family caters to assorted unpredictable guests availing themselves of the title resort's advertised bliss in this pilot to a prospective series.

Cast for Rendezvous Hotel...

Bill Daily
Walter Grainger
Jeff Redford
Jerry Greenwood
Teddy Wilson
Cleveland Jennings
Bobbie Mitchell
Barbara Clairborne
Talya Ferro
Concetta Jennings
Edward Winter
Jim Becker
Carole Cook
Lucille Greenwood
Severn Darden
Albert Church
Kathryn Witt
Anne Jones
Nellie Bellflower
Sherry Leonard
Emory Bass
Edward Daley
Dolph Sweet
Harvey Greenwood
Bruce French
Frank Leonard
Jeff Donnell
Mrs. Williams
Jane Abbott
Texas Waitress
Jack O'Leary
Mr. Corman
Diane Lander
Dr. Coleman